Choose Life

‘…choose life’ Deuteronomy 30.19

Throughout each day we all make choices. Some are easy and probably not very important, whereas others may be on a different scale with much depending on the outcome. So what is the governing factor that determines what we choose? Deuteronomy has this advice for us – ‘choose life’.

What does this mean and how do we put it into practice?

To choose life means taking the course of action most closely aligned to the heart of the one who said, “I am the . . . life.” This may not be the easiest choice, or the most advantageous to us personally, but it will be the one that brings us peace. Peace is bound to follow in the wake of the one who is the Prince of Peace.

Making these sorts of choices begins by recognising that there is always an option. A choice is exactly that – a choice, not something that we are ever forced to do. Of the choices surrounding any situation, which of them is most likely to please God? If you could picture Jesus standing beside you, which option is more likely to bring a smile to his face? It is quite easy to work out which would please you, but that may not always be the same thing as what pleases him! What will bring pleasure to God? Act on this and enjoy the peace that follows. |

#healingmission #encounterprayer #relationship #resurrection #hope #abbafather #lovedbygod #blessed #bigpicture #peace #chooselife

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The Christian Healing Mission

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