God is here

‘And because the gracious hand of my God was on me’ Nehemiah 2.8

The story of Nehemiah is about a man chosen by God to do an extraordinary work – to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He was a man who had a growing confidence in the Lord’s presence with him. How can we grow in this knowledge?

In this verse, Nehemiah looked back on an interview he had with the king and recognised that the reason the meeting went so well was because God’s hand was upon him. Nehemiah obviously took this seriously, because a little later in the same chapter (verse 18), he seems to have confidence that the hand of the Lord was still upon him.

It is a good thing to look back over the past day and recognise that God has been with you –strengthening, guiding and simply being present. The more you do this, the more confidence you will have that God is still with you in the day ahead. If God was with you yesterday, why would he not be with you today?

Look back over yesterday: reflect on it, give thanks for it, and take God’s presence that was with you then into today.

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The Christian Healing Mission

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