Taking God seriously

‘See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the LORD swore he would give to your fathers’ Deuteronomy 1.8

When we think about God’s promises to us, it raises the question of whose responsibility it is to bring them about.  Do we wait for God to act or do we act ourselves? This passage from Deuteronomy gives us an insight: we are the ones who take possession of what God has given us.

Suppose, for example, you have a sense that God particularly wants you to know that he is with you today. What are you meant to do with this? Do you assume that all day long you will have a supernaturally strong sense of his presence and be really blessed, or instead do you need to take the words of Deuteronomy seriously? God has reminded you of his promise to be with you and you need to take possession of it. Your responsibility is to believe it, regardless of whether you feel anything out of the ordinary.

So right now, spend a few minutes sitting quietly or reading a Bible story and asking God which of his words or promises he wants you to focus on today. Then hold on to what comes. This does not depend on your feelings but is all about having faith in what God has brought to your attention. Whenever you can, come back to it throughout the day and in this way take possession of the good things God has in store for you.

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